Winter Gray

Is it lavender or gray? Light or medium? Bold or traditional? All of the above.

Winter Gray / Benjamin Moore 2117-60

From (click through for more images of this color)

The Basics

What are people saying about this color?

An oversized white open quotation mark indicating a quote.
First take your temperature. Figure out if you’re looking for a cool tone or warm tone gray. Cool tones will be more blue and violet based while warm tones will have hints of either green or brown
An oversized white open quotation mark indicating a quote.
The key to picking the right lavender is to find a shade with a hint of gray in it so that the purple feels subtle and unexpected, says Amy Elbaum, principal of AE Designs, in New York City. The color used in this room—Benjamin Moore's Winter Gray (2117-60)—works as a quiet background while also adding a level of interest to an otherwise black and white room.

Winter Gray / Benjamin Moore 2117-60

From (click through for more images of this color)

An oversized white open quotation mark indicating a quote.
Winter Gray is a masculine lavender. The strong gray tones bring down the lavender for a more serious but soft, cool tone.

Winter Gray / Benjamin Moore 2117-60

From (click through for more images of this color)

What kind of spaces does it work best in?

With a background of muted gray undertones, Winter Gray brings a subtle shade of lavender.

Winter Gray / Benjamin Moore 2117-60

From (click through for more images of this color)

Where could you expect to see it?

Look for Winter Gray in places of relaxation like bedrooms, guest rooms, and studies.

Winter Gray / Benjamin Moore 2117-60

From (click through for more images of this color)

Who shouldn't pick this color?

Because of the gray undertones, Winter Gray can read as a "gender neutral” color, but if you are going for a more feminine look, Winter Gray might be too understated.

Winter Gray / Benjamin Moore 2117-60

From (click through for more images of this color)

Any pro tips?

Winter Gray will read darker than expected in rooms without abundant natural light. It will look bluer in North facing rooms, and warmer in South facing rooms.

What colors does it go well with?

Santorini Blue 1634, White Diamond 2121-60, Smoke Gray 2120-40, Silver Satin 856, *via Benjamin Moore

What's the LRV?

62.64. LRV measures the Light Reflectance Value, meaning the percentage of light (0-100) that bounces off a surface. 100 being purest white and 0 being purest black. Like other light shades, Winter Gray has a high LRV, meaning it reflects a large amount of light.

Does it work as an exterior color?



Purple, Light, Bold, Traditional

What are some similar popular colors?

Shadow, Misty Lilac, French Lilac,