Electric Orange

An elegant shade similar to Hermes orange.

Electric Orange / Benjamin Moore 2015-10

From roomlust.wordpress.com

The Basics

What are people saying about this color?

An oversized white open quotation mark indicating a quote.
This color actually came from an Hermès box I found in my wife's closet, says Patrick Sutton. It was a fun, surprising way to make the interior of my kitchen cabinets just as beautiful as the fumed oak exterior—and so much better than opening them to see a jarring bright white or refinished maple. https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/home-makeovers/g26574192/unexpected-paint-colors/
An oversized white open quotation mark indicating a quote.
Benjamin Moore’s Electric Orange—a color inspired by a wine bottle’s label.

Electric Orange / Benjamin Moore 2015-10

From housebeautiful.com (inside the cabinets is Electric Orange)

An oversized white open quotation mark indicating a quote.
The orange has been like home - it is a friend - it is cheery and vibrant but also zesty and warm - it is a colour I would never have guessed I would have liked - but it has brightened my outlook on what is out in the design world and left me with a sweet citrus taste.

Electric Orange / Benjamin Moore 2015-10

From pinterest.com

What kind of spaces does it work best in?

Orange will bring a lot of energy and vibrancy, so should be used in the more social parts of the home. It would be great used in full force in a bold dining room or bar area, or used as an accent for a front door or the inside of cabinets. It's the perfect dose of "caffeine" for places that feel a little sleepy or dull and need some zest.

Electric Orange / Benjamin Moore 2015-10

From dwell.com (click through for more images of this color)

Where could you expect to see it?

Behind the bar cart in the home of your friend whose dinner parties go until 3 am. Or on the mailbox of the modern home of your architect neighbor. Or on the back of the bookcases in a hip bookstore.

Electric Orange / Benjamin Moore 2015-10

From flikandcompany.blogspot.com

Who shouldn't pick this color?

Anyone whose home already leans towards chaos or conflict. I wouldn't recommend it for a home with small children or a particularly noisy home, unless it's used in very small doses.

Electric Orange / Benjamin Moore 2015-10

From zhuanlan.zhihi.com (click through for more images of this color)

Any pro tips?

"Designers Philip Gorrivan, Brian Dittmar, and Ken Fulk (the latter whom clearly has more fun than any of us and likes to post photos of his private jet on tumblr) like Benjamin Moore Electric Orange." roomlust.wordpress.com

What colors does it go well with?

Rocky Coast 1595, Silver Song 1557, *via Benjamin Moore

What's the LRV?

27.61. LRV measures the Light Reflectance Value, meaning the percentage of light (0-100) that bounces off a surface. 100 being purest white and 0 being purest black. Like other medium colors, Electric Orange has a mid-range LRV, meaning it reflects a fair amount of light.

Does it work as an exterior color?

No, it is not offered as an exterior color. (Though it does seem to be used on front doors frequently. It may fade quickly though in the presence of direct sunlight.)


Orange, Red, Bold, Medium

What are some similar popular colors?

Red, Firenze, Rosy Peach